Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Book cover!

This is a portrait of one of my girls... with a PhotoShop makeover.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Why Wardenclyffe Foundation?

Wardenclyffe Tower
It is a bit of an inside joke: The fictional Wardenclyffe Foundation Archive supplied all of the chapter heading quotes in my novel Schrodinger's Goat. The quotes were by various characters in the book, including actual quotes by Nicola Tesla and Mark Twain.

So why Wardenclyffe? Wardenclyffe Tower was Tesla's epic folly (perhaps). Its was a mysterious device meant to transmit transatlantic wireless communications -- this was conceived in 1898, mind you. But more than that, it was intended to transmit energy in the same fashion. And more than that, Tesla even hinted that he could harvest free energy, and then transmit it freely.

"Free" was the Tower's undoing. His investors saw no way to make money from the free transmission of energy and pulled out. There's a novel in there somewhere. Not mine... Mine takes place before all this. But I'm tempted. Oh yes. Very tempted.

So Wardenclyffe is/was a grand optimistic vision that might have changed the world much for the better.

If I ever set up my own publishing house (Yes, I might), it will bear the emblem of Wardenclyffe Tower. Grandiose visions are the only ones worth having.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Schrodinger's Goat. A time-travel love-story

eBook will be released December 2012

Email the author for a free copy of Schrodinger's Goat, 
Part One in PDF format


A 'garage scientist' working on his homestead in the Arkansas Ozarks has an accident with his equipment that displaces his artist girlfriend (and his pet goat) in the past. He partners with his elderly future-self to orchestrate a rescue that may require the ultimate sacrifice and place history in jeopardy. They are both unaware that a 'Wholly Roller' fundamentalist from the future is preparing a trap for them with a mission to prevent divisions of 'the one true universe' into multiple dimensions.

But wait! There's more!
  • 1893 World's Fair (World's Columbian Exposition) 
  • the invention of the electric chair
  • bastardized Tesla technology
  • Ozark folklore
  • Quantum Suicide
  • homing pigeons
  • The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
  • Decatur, Arkansas
  • Mark Twain and Nicola Tesla
  • and the magnificent time-traveling milk goat, Pi. 
Bonus: This book involves a great deal of goat-husbandry -- as more books should, in my opinion.